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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Host: DQ #1

After reading the Prologue what do you think? 

What did you think by this introductory chapter?

What is your initial impression of the Healers, Seekers, and soul's in general?

What do you this is going to happen to the soul?

Why do you think they put this soul in this host's body?

In this introductory chapter were you hooked? Confused?


Anonymous said...

What did you think by this introductory chapter?

I thought it was kinda long for a prologue. I don't think there is a set length it has to be, but when I think of a prologue, I think of a small piece of the novel - not a chapter of it's own.

What is your initial impression of the Healers, Seekers, and soul's in general?

The Healers remind me of Hippies and the Seekers remind me of crazy adrenaline junkies that are way too aggressive for their race. Soul's in general seem to accept whatever they are given.

What do you this is going to happen to the soul?

I think she is about to be challenged in a way she has never experienced.

Why do you think they put this soul in this host's body?

The soul knows many worlds - she is extremely experienced and the host is full of knowledge the Seekers want.

ACA said...

What did you think by this introductory chapter?

I thought it was okay. A little lost, but I'm usually a little lost in the beginning of the book! Def do not have predictability skills like those who have been reading for a long time, yet, I don't think I've really ever read for comprehension or with one of those super questioning minds.

What is your initial impression of the Healers, Seekers, and soul's in general?

The Healers seem like they might have a little "higher than mighty" attitude towards the Seekers, yet are comforting. Not too sure about the Seekers. The Soul I'm worried for.

What do you this is going to happen to the soul?

The soul will probably be forced to deal with a hand of cards the soul probably did not want to be dealt.

Why do you think they put this soul in this host's body?

This I am not sure of, questioning the Seekers intentions.

*** This is the first book I'm reading electronically. It was cheaper than buying the book at Borders or Target. I got it on my iPod Touch for $12.99. Let's see how this electronic version works for me?!?!

missypa2040 said...

I just wanted to comment on somethings first...Kelegirl6 let me know how that works out for you I imagine it's kind of small lol. And I also am really confused in the beginning of books.

1. What did you think by this introductory chapter?

I though it was really long also and a bit confusing as to what was going on.

2. What is your initial impression of the Healers, Seekers, and soul's in general?

I feel like the Healers are more morally aware and feel bad for people. Seekers seem overly aggressive and don't care about people. Souls seem like they think they are higher than everyone and can take over someone's body without their permission.

3. What do you think is going to happen to the soul?

I think she is going to have to work with the body and see a truth she doesn't want to.

4. Why do you think they put this soul in this host's body?

Because she is experienced with other hosts

5. In this introductory chapter were you hooked? Confused?

I'm not hooked with this chapter and I'm more confused than anything else. I'm hoping this book will be better as we go along because as of right now I'm not that impressed.