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Monday, July 26, 2010

August Book: Linger


In honor of Maggie Stiefvater’s  much anticipated follow up (by me and many others) to her NY Times Best Seller Shiver, I have chosen Linger to be the book for the month of August. I follow her on twitter and I feel like she is one of the most personable author’s out there – someone tangible that truly cares about her fans and readers and actually wants to get to know us. Linger debuted as #1 on the NY Times Best Selling List last week and those of us that purchased it had everything to do with it! So congrats!

If you are a supernatural fan that enjoys werewolves then you will love this book. Linger is the sequel to Shiver and one I’ve anticipated reading since the day it arrived on my doorstep. I hope you won’t be upset that I didn’t conduct a book poll this month, but I knew based on the books we had read previously, many of you would want to read this one. All I can say is TRUST ME ON THIS :)
I wanted to let everyone know with enough time so that you could get a head start and read Shiver if you haven’t done so. When I opened the first page of that book, I had to fight myself to put it down and go to sleep. It’s THAT good. You will love the way she writes.
If you are a fan of The Twilight Saga, wait till you meet Sam and Grace.
Oh yea.
Click on the links above to go to Amazon if you need to purchase these books! But hurry!